How to Help an Injured Lip

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Sometimes a fall or blow to the face could cause a lip injury. This might create stress and worry, especially because lip injuries tend to bleed quite a bit. However, there are ways you can get through this situation and help your lip. Don’t forget to keep a cool head. That will help you the most. Then, our dentist, Dr. J. Scott Thompson, DMD, recommends doing the following things:

First, you should try to wash the area. Doing so can clean debris from the wound, reduce the chances of infection, and help you assess the injury. You can wash it by running it under a faucet of warm water or by gently cleaning the wound with a wet washcloth.

Second, you should try to stop the bleeding. This is an important step to recovery. So, find a sterile gauze pad and place it on the area. Applying pressure will help clot the bleeding. So, make sure to apply pressure until the bleeding subsides. When the pad fills, replace it with a new one.

Third, you should reduce swelling. You can do so by placing a wrapped ice cube on the injury. This will not only reduce the swelling, but it will also help with any pain you experience. Only ice the area 15 minutes at a time.

There are times when you should visit a doctor, like when the bleeding won’t stop after 30 minutes, the cut needs stitches, or there might be a fracture involved. If these things are not the case for you, there is no need to worry. Just use our tips and you’ll be on your way toward a cared-for lip. To learn more, please contact Scott Thompson, DMD at 802-879-7811 today. Our dental team is happy to help you with your lip injury in Essex Junction, Vermont!